Universal Tire Selector

As part of the migration of all its B2C sites to its new Apostrophe CMS platform, the Michelin group wanted to have a tire search API to connect all search features of all the different sites (search per vehicle, search by dimension, search by use, etc.). This API must involve all the business rules that apply to choose and sort tires to go back in the response, and these business rules must be very easily adaptable for each country and each product line.
We have created the Universal Selector Tires, an administration platform that offers a suite of tools to easily create a standardized JSON API, integrating the search functions needed to build Michelin websites, to publish this API, and to generate a documentation. Thanks to this platform, the business rules specific to each country and each product line can be modified very simply and at any time, without being a developer. It is also no longer necessary to wait for the next release of the website in order to upload these changes, they can be deployed instantly.