Project Description



EUROMASTER group wishes to create a site that brings out the search for points of sale and the generation of in-store traffic

  • Respect for the group graphic charter

  • Connection with the central ERP for appointment management

  • Creation of various content pages (articles, news, etc.)

  • Migration from an existing site to the new one


Creation of a website for Euromaster Pologne and Euromaster Czech Republic  in November 2019.

  • A common template in the colors of the franchise

  • A simplified search for points of sale, thanks to automated or manual geolocation, addition of filters on services allowing to find the best point of sale near customers

  • Customized Calls To Action according to the expectations and objectives of each point of sale

  • Centralized information and lead management

  • The possibility for EUROMASTER to offer its franchisees individual sites for those who wish to bring out their offer and their specificity, in addition to a presence on the national website


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